After updating to Joomla! V5.2.4, many users have reported issues with templates built using the Helix framework, particularly that the header has disappeared. This problem appears to be related to changes in the Joomla update, which may have affected how template settings are saved and displayed. Fortunately, there is a temporary solution that can help restore the header functionality while we await further updates from Joomla.


To resolve the missing header issue, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the options.xml file: This file is typically found in the directory of your template, such as templates/[template-name] or your custom template directory.
  2. Edit the options.xml file:
    • Open the options.xml file in a text editor.
    • Find all instances of type="checkbox" and look for the default attribute.
    • If you see default="0", change it to default="" (an empty string).

    For example, change this:

    <field name="predefined_header" 
           default="0" />

    To this:

    <field name="predefined_header" 
           default="" />
  3. Check Template Settings: Ensure that your predefined header is enabled in the template settings after making the changes.
  4. Clear Cache: Clear Joomla’s cache to make sure the changes take effect.

This temporary fix should help restore your header functionality. Keep an eye on updates from Joomla for a more permanent solution with new version Joomla! V5.2.4.

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